Bonnaroo - Magic on the Farm

Bonnaroo - Magic on the Farm

There's no place quite like the Farm. Bonnaroo is a magical place with a magical vibe. Sure, festivals are about music and art, but Roo is also about radiating positivity and celebrating the goodness and beauty in the world. It's always an unforgettable adventure that I look forward to every year!

Part of what makes the experience such a memorable one are the incredible people I meet along the way. Bonnaroo is filled with folks from all walks of life and from all over the world who come together to embrace the spirit of openness and community; where strangers become friends and the world seems just a little brighter. And this year was extra special because, as I mingled, I passed out samples of Harmacy Hot Sauce and shared my passion with so many receptive souls. The feedback was exhilarating, and it was a joy to watch people's faces light up with that first taste!

So, while you can bet I had an amazing time seeing the Foo Fighters, the real magic was when I was spending time with old friends from Tampa, as well as my 'Groop', Big Comfy Disco! Hanging at camp and catching up or sharing stories, and learning about everyone's journey is such a revitalizing experience. Every year the groop takes on a slightly different shape as new people join, but it only adds to the fun to watch this fantastic little community grow.

Bonnaroo is a cornerstone experience out of my year. It's the only place I can see so many of my favorite people all in one place with nothing but time to spend together. It charges my battery and prepares me for the months ahead where the work is tough and constant. As I reflect on this year, I am thankful not only for the music and camaraderie but also for the chance to share a piece of Harmacy with so many. I am thankful to have been so surrounded by love and positivity, and cherish each time I get to visit the Farm!

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